Minggu, 03 April 2016

All About Story

The problem:
1. How to overcome the idea that forgot time crita middle of the story?
2. Difficulty imitating the sound of various illustrations?
3. In order for the story told so cute and easy to understand children
The solution:
Father and mother a teacher wherever they are, based on the experience of natural Didin, 
how to overcome the idea that like to forget in the middle is doing Impropisasi, but before 
delivering it mastered fairytale story and plot. Repeatedly read the script so imagine, well 
when delivered to children inshaAllah will be more easy.
For example, once the new Udin perform pilgrimage, because the joy of worship there,
 four months later he invited pilgrims for Umrah together alias Udin he led organizers and 
responsible Umrah. Well already imagine the fairy tale by the experience he has not been
 so mastered the terrain. In contrast, if Udin had more inbound 10x umra he would imagine
 the direction towards Mecca riding / Break Time at the Hotel where. So is the story that
 we will convey, continue reading the text then repeated itself we will understand 
the contents.
The difficulty in imitating the sound sometimes becomes a problem when the sound does
 not have to resemble the illustration. A fox trick the main character suppose the title story
 "Elephant Honest" well we can not voice elephants, foxes live cat wrote the title to be
 honest, if the sound of a cat would be easy heheh. Sound illustration can use Mp3,
 absolute hell nah things distinguish the sound large, small and medium wrote that children 
can distinguish figures. All can be really.
That the content of the story is easy to understand then we should use the language of
 children who are not strangers. Do as we talk with an adult, the mother must understand
 that language, do not get used to teach classes?
Now that funny story how's that?
Any sincere expressions and gestures to convey the children will catch it with happiness.
Ever there was one incident, a teacher delivering funny fairy tale that he wrote the same 
script... because he witnessed when the Swordsman delivering children with happy laughter.
What happened? Same script different results because of lack of appreciation and a free pass.
Hopefully this review can be understood.
For those who want to add in Let the 
Saka kak Didin

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