Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

MOTHER AVI SMS (Happiness mother)

     Every new school year children with a variety of characters entered in my class. There's always a 
smart kid academic, there is a hyperactive, diligent, quiet, brave, ignorant, timid, mischievous and so
 forth. Seeing their faces, how innocent they are. Of mothers rempong dropping, pushing her if her 
son did not come forward when he was appointed to the front of his friends.
     There are some "advanced" in my class, including the advanced read a prayer, presented the 
results of his work forward, forward led her to sing a song, advanced wipe the slate and advanced 
know the letters of the alphabet and hijaiyyah.
     One of the children who are often pushed forward by her mother is Avi. He would advance a
 prayer, but for other than prayer ... NO WAY. First entered the classroom, she did not want to get 
ahead. Two days, three days, four days did not come forward. A week, two weeks, one month, three
 months and a year 2015-2016 teachings he remained WILL NOT FORWARD. Superb ya son determined. : D
     The mother until sometimes annoyed, angry, arguing with the Avi and ultimately get burned. Avi's
 mother is sometimes sms me confide how her child to come forward. I've said many times on her to keep 
quiet and a time the child will change itself because there are kids who like Avi at the last school year. The
 boy was always stuck to his mother and did not want to get ahead. Sometimes I take forward and if he
 refuses then I just silence alone. When the boy entered the classroom the next level, there are changes 
little by little.
     That incident was repeated on Avi. In yesterday Avi 2 entry early childhood, his mother SMS:
+ 6285878xxxx
Mrs. Umi yesterday Avi advanced kiroati
          Gelem Pok? (Want ya)
y thank God
          ad progress .... thank God

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