Senin, 02 Mei 2016


A few days ago the school principal came to my house. He handed some paper data collection on the detection of child development. He asked me to record a child who will attend the inspection of health centers Sokorejo Pekalongan.
"Approximately tomorrow show what?" Asked the headmistress.
"Less know ma'am." Answer me.
"Immunisation may be yes? Or polio vaccine? Reportedly would be given polio drops or vitamins?" The school principal guessed.
"It could be bu ... Reportedly polio now that the model would replace injections yes ma'am?" Ask me.
"Is it true?" The headmaster frowned.
"Yesterday there was a polio vaccine socialization would replace syringes in the right thigh and left."
"Ouh ... so yes." The headmaster nodded.
"Yesterday mothers who attend the socialization have to ask and complain, what if the model injecting it later held? Problem is the model of drops of vaccine through the mouth only mothers there were hard to come to Posyandu. For fear if his feverish turbulence vaccine reaction. Then the doctor said, he said it's better pain because pain vaccine reactions than later got a virus and crippled for life. " I said.
"Ouh ... so yes ... but really you know mom, I also fear that if my child was injected then meriyang. I had never experienced themselves when Arja was a kid. So did my brother who is in Jakarta. Meriyang turbulence injected DPT 3. though her brother was healthy despite full immunization. One day after the injection, the former injections enlarges and extends up to the entire leg. you principals already examined her and gave the drug but not yet healed. Because in Jakarta treatment is expensive, dad and his mother was forced to stop by for a short while in Pekalongan for the sake of his treatment. Arja also like that bu. "
Wah wonder mothers who participated socialization at that time of fear. Said the principal body heat Arja day after an injection of DPT vaccine 3. Coupled with the swelling of the feet that previously injected. At that time the principal panicked and quickly went to the clinic work Posyandu staff who inject Arja. Coming home from the clinic, drunk drugs directly to Arja. The next day his body heat would not go down. The headmaster gave a remedy for the second time but still small Arja hot and cranky. The next day the principal brings Arja to another doctor. The next doctor did not succeed Arja. up to five doctors had tried all but to no avail even worse. Arja small silent when crying, her body helplessly weak, sometimes his body convulsing because so are not as strong as the pain.
Physician to five not stay silent, he advised principals to Arja taken to hospital Pekajangan was said that there were already astute pediatrician dealing with children who are terminally ill. The school principal is not less agile immediately went to Pekajangan, Pekalongan south.
"Her son why Mom?" Asked the doctor.
"I do not know what he was ill. At first she was feverish because once injected DPT 3 ... blah ... blah ... blah." Said principal explains in detail the beginning of the incident until he is told to Pekajangan.
"The name of the doctor who had tried anyone bu?" The doctor asked.
"Doctor A, B, C, D, E." Thread principal. The doctor noted the names of doctors who mentioned the principal.
"It used to be given any medicine that Mom?"
"This pack, I take all the medicine."
"The medicine has been tried all ma'am?"
"It's all a pack, and the results were disappointing. I Drinks medication to the child. If the reaction is new disappoint me stop. I am confused sir, my son instead of recovering even worse does not make a sound when it cries. Sometimes his body convulsing, then limp."
Her doctor shook his head. He swiftly grabbed Arja and laid it on the bed.
"Mas, fetch water and mix with herb XYZ." The doctor says to his assistant. The principal does not know what the potion is meant by the doctor. The doctor was also preparing other equipment needed.
The doctor XYZ herb mix into the water. Arja was appointed to the top position in the upper leg and head down. Arja in pat gently by the doctor and then the doctor grabbed the water and dicipratkan to the child's body. Arja cry struggled but not heard her crying. Just look on his face that explains his suffering.
"My child what to do with, sir?" Asked principals to panic because doctors do not know the purpose to do so.
"The child's mother is not supported drug overdose with adequate nutrition, so consequently like this. Overdose." Said the doctor explained.
Having considered giving herb, Arja put in a box, a kind of incubator.
"Doc, why my son put in the fridge ??? !!" The school principal fears.
"It's quiet, it's not the refrigerator. That body warmers."
A few minutes later Arja issued. Arja pulled up and pat gently.
"Iiiiiikkk .... iiikkk." Arja voice. Only limited to that, but to hear her voice although limited iiiiiikkkk, the principal outstanding was happy.
Doctors prepare the medicine and gave it to the principal.
"It'll be drunk. If no immediate reaction report to me ya bu ..." the doctor said.
A few days later heat Arja down and return to normal. Essentially only certain children who do not fit in with vaccine immunization. In fact Arja other brother was fine when complete immunization. Do not rush to change doctors. Keep children in a state fit when immunized and give adequate nutrition to children. If the child gets worse when immunizations do not panic. Seek knowledge as many of the neighbors or parents who have the experience of immunization. Good luck. Good luck little Arja.

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